It’s Show Time Snoopy!
It was hard to let go of the unconditional love of 20 years. The oldest dog alive is 21 years old. You were almost there my pawkiddo! I have my moments in which I want to only remember the funny stories about you instead of the sad ones. Sometimes I may be ok and then all of the sudden I start crying because I miss you so much. At times I still hear your steps coming down the hall. I know you were trying to be there for me and knew I needed your sweet soul. I finally realized I was holding you back. The minute I whispered in your…
Letter to Max
“You’re tucked in my heart like a precious jewel.“ It has taken me a couple of weeks to finally be able to write this without crying. I feel like something is missing all the time. Your bowl and collar are empty but you are still in my heart. I know it will take time and strength to mourn this loss because you were a very important part of my life. I brought you home in Feb. 5th, 2004. You were found by our school secretary that day. Your were so tiny and had a spiked black collar that made you look so cute and irresistible. Your ears were the softest…